Sometimes you need your writing to come across perfectly but that isn't always so easy. You could be too tired to write in the correct form or you could have some intrinsic difficulties like dyslexia or ADHD which make typing in long form an arduous and frustrating process.
This is where free syntax and spellcheck plugins can be extremely useful. The example I have chosen to share for our tip of the day is the browser plugin, Grammarly.
Grammarly is a free service that I toggle on and off when I feel that I need a bit of mental support with my grammar and sentence structuring. Once enabled, the service will provide a live syntax and spellcheck. Once downloaded it will be found in the plugin section of your browser of choice.
After downloading, you will find the Grammarly plugin under the small jigsaw icon on the top right of your (In this case) Google Chrome browser.
Here is an example of how Grammarly can step in andhelp me out while I am writing this blog...
Using Grammarly in a more targeted way When I told Jamie that I was thinking about writing a blog on Grammarly, he promptly told me how he isn't the biggest fan of these services. His perspective was that over time if you become too reliant on things like Grammarly then you can stagnate with your skills and performance in writing. I tend to agree with this sentiment and would encourage you to use these services when you feel you really need the support but to also disable them when or if you are feeling up to writing unassisted. This is to ensure that we continue to grow and progress as writers and typists. It is the same reason why from time to time you should try to train yourself to not jump straight to a calculator. Keep the ol noggin a'noggin'a'ning. How's that for a new word?Grammarly is having a fit trying to let that one slide... Let me know what your experience with these services is like and if you would like some assistance with getting them onto your device, I am happy to help you if you bring it into the shop at 28 Belgium Street. 098705698